Welcome to SCAMPsters!

This forum is a place for users of SCAMP (Suite for Computer-Assisted Music in Python) to share their work, ask questions, and generally bounce ideas off of one another. Be curious, and be supportive of one another!

When starting a new topic, try to use one of these categories, if applicable:

  • Code Questions is the category for asking a question about how to do code something something in SCAMP.
  • Python Questions is a sub-category of Code Questions for questions that are more about how to do something in Python more generally.
  • Show and Tell is for sharing your musical creations, and inspiring the rest of the community!
  • Learning Resources is for anything that you think might help others along in their journey with SCAMP, Python, and computer-assisted composition.
  • SCAMP Suggestions is for any suggestions you have about the ongoing development of the SCAMP framework.

If there’s a different category you would like to see, feel free to suggest it using the Site Feedback category!