Hi Marc! I’m still loving these tools you’ve created, and have another question here about scamp and supercollider:
In your example, the synth goes on forever, and so the duration of the envelop is controlled by dur passed to the play_note function. What happens if I use a synth that has an a built in duration, as in the code below. I guess my question is: how is time and tempo managed between SC and scamp? Is there a way to pass the tempo to sc, because I think what’s happening with this synth is that the scamp dur is in beats and the sc dur is in seconds, so I’m not getting the expected note lengths.
SynthDef(“additiveSynth”, {
arg volume = 0.9, freq= 440, ris = 0.1, dur = 2, gate = 0;
var env = EnvGen.kr(Env([0, 1, 0], [ris, dur - ris], [4, -4]), gate);
var sine = SinOsc.ar(freq, 0);
Out.ar(0, sine * volume * env)