Hi all! Someone sent me a message the other day asking about importing data from MIDI files, and I thought I’d post the example here, in case others are interested! It uses the mido library. The code below creates a list of channels, pitches, volumes, start_times, lengths, and inter-onset times, and then uses them to play back the file with SCAMP. But you can do anything with these lists! For example, you could use random.shuffle
to shuffle all the pitches and durations.
Anyway, if you make something fun with this, share it!
from mido import MidiFile
from scamp import *
from collections import namedtuple
INPUT_FILE_PATH = 'bwv772.mid'
# -------------------------------- Processing the MIDI Data ---------------------------------------
# following https://www.twilio.com/blog/working-with-midi-data-in-python-using-mido
# MIDO Documentation (a little confusing): https://mido.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html
mid = MidiFile(INPUT_FILE_PATH, clip=True)
# print(mid)
# for track in mid.tracks:
# print(track)
# for message in mid.tracks[1]:
# print(message)
Note = namedtuple("Note", "channel pitch volume start_time length")
notes_started = {}
notes = []
for track in mid.tracks:
t = 0
for message in track:
t += message.time/mid.ticks_per_beat
if message.type == "note_off" or (message.type == "note_on" and message.velocity == 0):
volume, start_time = notes_started[(message.note, message.channel)]
notes.append(Note(message.channel, message.note, volume, start_time, t - start_time))
elif message.type == "note_on":
notes_started[(message.note, message.channel)] = message.velocity / 127, t
notes.sort(key=lambda note: note.start_time)
channels, pitches, volumes, start_times, lengths = zip(*notes)
channels = list(channels)
pitches = list(pitches)
volumes = list(volumes)
start_times = list(start_times)
lengths = list(lengths)
inter_onset_times = [t2 - t1 for t1, t2 in zip(start_times[:-1], start_times[1:])]
# -------------------------------- Doing something interesting with it! ---------------------------------------
# The code below just plays back the music as-is, but what can you do with it?
s = Session()
piano = s.new_part("piano")
for wait_time, pitch, length, volume in zip(inter_onset_times, pitches, lengths, volumes):
piano.play_note(pitch, volume, length, blocking=False)