Pauses as negative rhythmical values while forking

Hello, I am very excited to use Scamp. It is such a good alternative and continuation of other algorithmic environments that I have used but are no longer well maintained. One thing I can’t really get used to with Scamp is the different handling of rhythmic values and rests. I’m used to using both as equal values in lists, only differentiated by a positive or negative sign. This works ok for solo stuff, but when forking, the individual processes start to run out of sync. (In versions I tried before the interruptions of the baby clock interrupted the main clock, which is why i came up with own clocks for each s.fork). Does anyone have any ideas on how to bring more discipline in the mess? (See below.)

from scamp import *

s = Session()

vi = s.new_part("violin")
cb = s.new_part("contrabass")
va = s.new_part("viola")

def pitch_walk(pitch_ges, steps, start_index, lower_limit, upper_limit, total_values):
    current_index = start_index
    step_count = 0
    while step_count < total_values:
        if current_index < lower_limit or current_index > upper_limit:
            current_index = start_index
        yield pitch_ges[current_index]
        step_count += 1
        current_index += steps[step_count % len(steps)]

def play_instrument(clock, instrument, pitch_ges, steps, start_index, lower_limit, upper_limit, total_values, durs, env):
    generator = pitch_walk(pitch_ges, steps, start_index, lower_limit, upper_limit, total_values)
    dur_index = 0  

    for pitch in generator:
        current_dur = durs[dur_index % len(durs)]  # Cycle through the durations

        print(f"Playing pitch: {pitch}, duration: {current_dur}")  

        if current_dur > 0:  # Only play if duration is positive
            instrument.play_note(pitch, env, current_dur)  # Play the note with the specified duration and envelope
            clock.wait(current_dur)  # Wait for the duration of the note to pass
            print(f"Pausing for: {-current_dur}")  
            clock.wait(-current_dur)  # Wait for the absolute value of the negative duration

        dur_index += 1


    print("Finished playing instrument part.") 

pitch_ges = pitch_ges = list(range(12, 121))

steps1 = [1]
steps2 = [2]

durs0 = [1, -3]
durs1 = [-1, 1, -1]
durs2 = [-2, 2]    # Rhythmic durations where any negative value represents a pause

env1 = [0.5, 0.7, 0.5]  

clock1 = s.fork(play_instrument, args=[cb, pitch_ges, steps1, 40, 40, 60, 80, durs0, env1])
clock2 = s.fork(play_instrument, args=[va, pitch_ges, steps1, 58, 58, 78, 80, durs1, env1])
clock2 = s.fork(play_instrument, args=[vi, pitch_ges, steps2, 74, 74, 94, 80, durs2, env1])
