My first show and tell

So I am using what I learnt from Marc’s youtube video. Thanks very much Marc for all your effort and tutorials. I am half way on the tempo tutorial having completed the playing notes and forking

so this piece places but with some errors. I have simplified it down from an earlier version.
I have used 3 instruments- cello, organ and brass
I have used changing tempo plus when an instrument actually plays so there is a polyphonic feel even though each instrument is reading from the same pitch and duration list
I have also used envelopes for some expressivity- sometimes the cello sounds a bit choppy (depending on what the random choices come up with…
I have also tried to create some kind of form with a start( solo) , middle(tutti), then an end with a solo again and a last long sounding note by all

any constructive criticism and feedback welcome- :slight_smile:
here is the code
from scamp import *
from random import *
from math import *

listRhythm= [0.17, 0.5, 0.17, 0.17, 0.5, 0.17, 1.5, 0.17, 0.33, 1.67, 1.67, 0.5, 0.5, 2.17, 3.17, 5.33, 2.0, 2.83, 1.0, 6.67, 2.17]
listMelody=[65, 64, 65, 64, 62, 64, 65, 64, 65, 64, 65, 60, 62, 57, 58, 60, 62, 64, 65, 67, 69]
staccato,staccatissimo,marcato,tenuto,accent =“staccato”, “staccatissimo”, “marcato” , “tenuto”, “accent”

s = Session() # or canleave blank and add later …
cello =s.new_part(“Cello”)
brass = s.new_part(“brass”)
organ = s.new_part(“Organ 1”)

#-------------setting differnt tempos–sound intersting
def playSustain(inst, note, dur, levels):
newLevels = [val0.35 for val in levels]
curves = [uniform(-1,2) for i in range(len(levels)-1)]
durList =[dur/(len(levels)-1) for i in curves]
vol =Envelope.from_levels_and_durations(newLevels, durList, curves)
if random() < 0.4: listChord =[note, note+3, note+6, note+9, note+13]
elif random() < 0.8 : listChord =[note, note+7, note+11, note+14, note+17]
else: listChord =[note, note+5, note+7, note+14]
inst.play_chord(listChord , vol,dur

def playInstrument(inst, boolFp,interval, whenNotToPlay, listMelody,listRhythm ):
articulations = [staccato,staccatissimo,marcato,accent]
list_fp_cres, list_articulation = [],[]
levels = [round((uniform(0.05, 0.9)),2) for i in range(0,randint(2,3))]
curves =[float(randint(-1,2)) for i in range (len(levels)-1)]
counter =0
for pitch, rhythm in zip(listMelody,listRhythm ):
if counter%whenNotToPlay==0 and counter >0:wait(rhythm)
if boolFp :
avTime = rhythm/(len(levels)-1) #(len(levels)-1)
dur = [avTime]*(len(levels)-1)
fp_cres = Envelope.from_levels_and_durations(levels, dur, curves)
#if inst ==cello:
#if random() >0.65: fork(playSustain, args =[organ, pitch, rhythm, fp_cres.levels]) #playSustain(organ, pitch, rhythm, fp_cres.levels) #fork(playSustain, args =[organ, pitch, rhythm, fp_cres.levels])
if random() <=0.35: inst.play_note(pitch+interval , fp_cres,rhythm, staccatissimo) #,blocking =False
else: inst.play_note(pitch+interval , fp_cres,rhythm)
if random() <=0.35: inst.play_note(pitch+interval , fp_cres,rhythm, staccatissimo) #,blocking =False
else: inst.play_note(pitch+interval , fp_cres,rhythm)
counter +=1

cello_whenNotToPlay,organ_whenNotToPlay, brass_whenNotToPlay = randint(2,3) ,randint(4,10) ,randint(3,8)
cello_interval,brass_interval = 0,-12

playInstrument(cello, True, cello_interval, cello_whenNotToPlay, listMelody,listRhythm )
s.set_tempo_targets(tempo_targets=[40,180,100] , durations=[10,10,10], curve_shapes = [-1,-1,-1], )
fork(playInstrument, args = [cello, True, cello_interval, cello_whenNotToPlay, listMelody,listRhythm ])
fork(playInstrument, args = [organ, True, cello_interval, organ_whenNotToPlay, listMelody,listRhythm ])
fork(playInstrument, initial_tempo = 40, args = [brass, True, brass_interval, brass_whenNotToPlay, listMelody,listRhythm ])
s.tempo =60
playInstrument(cello, True, cello_interval, cello_whenNotToPlay, listMelody,listRhythm )
finalNote = listMelody[0]
fp_cres = Envelope.from_levels_and_durations([0.001,1], [3], [“exp** 2/5”])
cello.play_note(finalNote, fp_cres, [6], blocking =False)
brass.play_note(finalNote-12, fp_cres, [6], blocking =False)
organ.play_chord([finalNote,finalNote + 3, finalNote + 6, finalNote + 9,finalNote + 13], fp_cres, [6])

Hi Claudius,
The code you posted lost all the indentation, so it’s not runnable.
I would repost it again using the </> preformatted tag.
(Or you can attach the .py file to the message).

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Another way of doing it is to put triple backticks (`) before and after the code block!

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ok will do so
sorry about that

thanks for alerting me…i have reposted and attched the .py file