Unfortunately I have not yet received an answer to my Scamp file playback problem. Today on my new Yamaha PSR-SX900 double checked. What’s wrong with my MIDI-notes into chords.py? Your Moonlight.py works flawlessly? Even without replacing the name <Go: Keys> by in the script. Can you help me soon, Marc? see below.
In the Shell there appairs with my play:
This seems to be normal.
Thanks in advance.
from scamp import *
s = Session()
# This is where you define all of the instrument that you want to play back notes with.
# The `note_on_and_off_only=True` flag is helpful in keeping the midi messages simple if
# your not doing any pitch bending, glissandi, microtonal stuff, or dynamic envelopes.
# The `new_midi_part` call will open an outgoing midi stream, in this case to IAC, which
# is a virtual midi cable that can be used (on macs) to route playback between applications
piano = s.new_midi_part("sx900","SX900", note_on_and_off_only=True)
# The `new_part` calls create parts that play back using the default soundfont
flute = s.new_part("flute", note_on_and_off_only=True)
clarinet = s.new_part("clarinet", note_on_and_off_only=True)
# This is where the magic happens! Each entry in this dictionary determines what happens
# when you play a pitch in a certain key or range of keys.
pitch_to_instrument_and_pitches = {
# this line says that if you play midi pitch 55, it will come out as pitch 77, played by the clarinet
55: [clarinet, 77],
# this line says that if you play midi pitch 43, it will come out as the cluster [60, 61, 62, 63] played by clarinet
43: [clarinet, [60, 61, 62, 63]],
# this line says that if you play a pitch between 65-72, it will come out as a chord played by the flute
# consisting of the note two half steps higher and two half-steps lower. "p" stands for the particular
# pitch that you play, since this is operating on a range of pitches
# Note the quotes! The strings used here aren't really a standard python thing; it was just the easiest way
# of making it work.
"65-72": [flute, "[p-2, p+2]"],
# this line says what to do if you play a pitch that isn't covered by the lines above. In this case, we play
# back with a piano, up an octave (since "p" is the pitch you played, "p+12" is that pitch up an octave.
"default": [piano, "p+12"]
# Put here the name of the device MIDI messages are coming in from
from scamp import *
# the input and output device can be the same or different
# for instance, you might want to take midi in from the keyboard,
# but send any note playback messages to a softsynth like pianoteq
# # Uncomment these lines if you want to see which midi input and output devices are available
# print_available_midi_input_devices()
# print_available_midi_output_devices()
# --------------------------------------------- IMPLEMENTATION -----------------------------------------------
# ----- process pitch_to_instrument_and_pitches -----
processed_pitch_to_instrument_and_pitches = {}
for key, value in pitch_to_instrument_and_pitches.items():
if isinstance(key, str) and "-" in key:
start_pitch, end_pitch = key.split("-")
for p in range(int(start_pitch), int(end_pitch) + 1):
processed_pitch_to_instrument_and_pitches[p] = value
for key, value in pitch_to_instrument_and_pitches.items():
if not isinstance(key, str):
processed_pitch_to_instrument_and_pitches[key] = value
for key, value in processed_pitch_to_instrument_and_pitches.items():
instrument, pitches = value
if isinstance(pitches, str) and key != "default":
processed_pitch_to_instrument_and_pitches[key] = [instrument, eval(pitches, {}, {"p": key})]
processed_pitch_to_instrument_and_pitches["default"] = pitch_to_instrument_and_pitches["default"]
notes_down = [[] for _ in range(128)]
pedal_held_notes = [[] for _ in range(128)]
pedal_down = False
def midi_callback(midi_message):
global notes_down, pedal_held_notes, pedal_down
# function that handles any incoming midi messages from the keyboard
code, pitch, volume = midi_message
if volume > 0 and code == 144:
# note on message causes us to fork a new moonlight sonata gesture at the given pitch and volume
if pitch in processed_pitch_to_instrument_and_pitches:
instrument, pitches = processed_pitch_to_instrument_and_pitches[pitch]
instrument, pitches = processed_pitch_to_instrument_and_pitches["default"]
if isinstance(pitches, str):
pitches = eval(pitches, {}, {"p": pitch})
if hasattr(pitches, '__len__'):
notes_down[pitch].append(instrument.start_chord(pitches, volume / 127))
notes_down[pitch].append(instrument.start_note(pitches, volume / 127))
elif volume == 0 and code == 144 or code == 143 or code == 128:
# note off message (or note on message with 0 velocity, which is sometimes how it's implemented)
# we use it to kill the gesture running for the note at the given pitch
if pedal_down:
for note in notes_down[pitch]:
elif code == 176 and pitch == 64:
# pedal change messages just get passed straight along to the MIDI_OUTPUT_DEVICE
# (with some warping of the values)
pedal_down = volume > 0
if volume == 0:
for pitch_notes in pedal_held_notes:
for note in pitch_notes:
s.register_midi_listener("SX900", midi_callback)